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Christmas is coming!

Can you believe that the Fall 2020 Semester is already nearing its end? Whether this was your first semester in college, or you are graduating (like me), finals are upon us and we are all getting adjusted to a new normal for the holiday season. Once again, we are about to enter a new time of uncertainty where families are faced with tough decisions and safety concerns. But for you, the college student, there are going to be challenges during this break as well.


For many of us, this holiday break is going to be longer than usual. I know some students who will be away from their campus for more than two months! From being involved in Campus Ministry over the past several years, we have learned that approximately 1 in 3 students would say that their spiritual walk struggles when they leave campus. We also see a dramatic decrease in involvement after students return from break. Why is this?


I believe this is attributed to the lack of growth when students leave the community they have found on campus. Many times when students leave campus, they find themselves back in situations that are so different than what they experience every day on campus. You can probably relate. There is so much growth that happens every semester while you are at school, so reconnecting with family or old friends may be almost like reintroducing yourself.


It is also important to consider that these family/friends may also not be the greatest influence on you. Perhaps you were saved or rededicated your life to Christ while you were at college. Upon your arrival home, some people may be expecting things that are no longer a part of your life. This is by no means an easy situation to be in. On the other hand, you might have a completely different story. Your family and friends back home may be some of the greatest encouragement you have. In this case, there are still some tips you can follow so you may take full advantage of this break, as it relates to your walk with Christ.


3 Tips to Grow Spiritually Through Christmas Break!


get notified Registration Opens March 15!

Camp registration goes live March 15! Fill out the form below and we'll notify you when registration opens.

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